
chemical (55)
Plastic and rubber (39)
Paper and paperboard (14)
Metal (12)
animal and vegetable organic (26)
wood and biomass (24)
inorganic and glass (10)
textiles and leather (13)
Saline, Wastewater and Process Water (3)
Sewage Sludge (1)
Others (18)


4th Edition RECUWATT



4th Edition RECUWATT
Days:27/10/2016 - 28/06/2016
Time:09:00 hs. a 17 hs.
Location:Tecnocampus de Mataró
Host:Consorci per al tractament de residus sòlids urbans del maresme, Consorci per a la gestió de residus del Vallés Oriental, Agència de Residus de Catalunya, Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat i Fundació Forum Ambiental


The next October 27th and 28th 2016 will take place the 4th edition of RECUWATT, the international meeting between public and private sector professionals linked to wate management.

Registration is already open and can be done through this link.

Call for paper is new this year, If you have any innovative, disruptive and inspiring idea, practice or technology, you have the opportunity to submit your proposal to participate in the conference. To participate as speakers applications must be formalized before June 30th through this link, in which the evaluation criteria for the selection of the papers is also shown.

For more information about the congress and conferences of this edition, you can check the Recuwatt 2016 program.

Abstract, pictures and videos Recuwatt 3rd edition (2014)